Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Amma, is the chairperson of C20. Amrita Vidyalayam School participated in the 999 Challenge organized by the C20 working group, an official engagement group of the G20 summit.

What is the 999-challenge?

It comprises Suryanamaskars and 9 minutes of meditation for 9 days. The 999-challenge started after information and awareness about it was given by our Principal, Swamini Pavanamritha Prana. The theme for India’s presidency of the G20 is ‘Vasudeva Kutumbakam’, which translates to “One Earth, one family”. The C20 is one of the official engagement groups of G20, providing a platform for civil society organizations around the world to voice the people’s aspirations with the world leaders at the G20 summit.

As head of C20, Amma’s involvement in the 999 challenge carries significant implications. The integrated holistic health groups campaign focuses on creating awareness about the benefits of yoga and meditation to improve overall well-being. The challenge encourages students to practice yoga and meditation for 9 days, with the aim of creating a healthier and
more peaceful world.

The 999 challenge was conducted from February 9th to 21st , 2023. The school’s sports teachers conducted the sessions along with other teachers who were trained in yoga and meditation. Throughout the 9-days challenge, the students showed great enthusiasm and dedication towards the practice of the 999-challenge. They also learned about the various health benefits of these practices, such as improved flexibility, reduced stress and increased focus and concentration.

More than 500 students participated in the 999-challenge at our school. Their participation is a testament to India’s commitment to promoting physical, mental and emotional well-being. Through the practice of the 999 challenge, we can create a healthier and more peaceful world.