National Science Olympiad Excellence Celebration

In December 2023-24, the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) organized the National Science Olympiad (NSO), showcasing the brilliance of young minds. Among the outstanding achievers, Aarav Patil from Std III shone brightly, earning a Gold Medal of Excellence and a certificate of Distinction. His remarkable performance secured him the 3rd position at the zonal level. Similarly, Ishaan Jadhav, also from Std III, displayed exceptional prowess, receiving a Gold Medal of Excellence and a certificate of Distinction, with a notable zonal rank of 18. Additionally, Padmaj Pise, a student from Std IV, added to the school’s pride by securing a Gold Medal of Excellence and a certificate of Distinction, achieving the 11th position at the zonal level.

In a heartening school assembly, the School Principal awarded 29 students from Std I to X with Gold Medals of Excellence, recognizing their exceptional achievements in the National Science Olympiad. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement and pride as the students received their well-deserved medals and certificates, celebrating their dedication and passion for scientific inquiry. The event not only highlighted individual accomplishments, but also underscored the school’s commitment to nurturing a culture of academic excellence and curiosity among its students.