Maharashtra Drawing Exam Success

The Government of Maharashtra recently organized Elementary and Intermediate Drawing exams for students in standard VII to X, providing an excellent platform for young talents to showcase their artistic abilities. In the Elementary exam, the results revealed a commendable performance by the students. Impressively, 23 students achieved the prestigious ‘A’ Grade, showcasing exceptional artistic skills. Additionally, 24 students secured the ‘B’ Grade, demonstrating a proficient understanding of the subject, while 33 students earned the ‘C’ Grade, reflecting a solid foundation in elementary drawing.

Moving on to the Intermediate exam, the enthusiasm and talent of the students continued to shine. A remarkable 29 students excelled, earning the coveted ‘A’ Grade in recognition of their advanced drawing skills. The ‘B’ Grade was secured by 26 students who showcased a high level of proficiency, while an impressive 56 students earned the ‘C’ Grade, highlighting their commendable grasp of intermediate drawing concepts. The grand culmination of these achievements took place during the school assembly, where the certificates were presented to the proud students by our esteemed Principal, celebrating their dedication to the world of art.