World Obesity Day is a global event that raises awareness about the growing issue of obesity and its impact on public health. The Integrated Holistic Health Working Group of C20, as a part of the Civil 20 (C20) engagement group, is committed to addressing this issue and promoting healthy lifestyles. With the latest data indicating a significant rise in obesity rates among children and increasing malnutrition rates, it is essential to inculcate healthy eating habits in children.

The prevalence of obesity in children has been growing significantly over the years. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2020, an estimated 38.2 million children under the age of 5 were overweight or obese globally.

 Malnutrition is also an issue of great concern. Undernutrition and over nutrition are increasing rapidly, with 144 million children under the age of 5 suffering from stunting, while 38.9 million children are overweight. Malnutrition not only affects physical health, but also cognitive development, which can lead to lifelong consequences.

To promote healthy eating habits among children, a pledge activity was conducted for nine days during school assembly. The activity aimed to create awareness about healthy eating habits, the importance of physical activity and the impact of unhealthy eating habits on overall health. The activity involved children taking a pledge to adopt healthy eating habits, such as eating a balanced diet, consuming more fruits and vegetables, avoiding junk food and sugary drinks, and engaging in regular physical activity.

Through the pledge activity conducted at school, we aim to inculcate healthy eating habits in children and promote a healthy lifestyle. It is crucial to address this issue at an early age to prevent the development of chronic diseases later in life.


  1. I will eat breakfast every day.
  2. I will include 5 coloured vegetables and fruits daily.
  3. I will consume brown rice instead of white rice.
  4. I will drink minimum of 8 glasses of water daily.
  5. I will include foods low in fat, sugar and salt.
  6. I will stop taking sugary beverages and soda.
  7. I will say no to junk foods.
  8. I will avoid trans fats which are present in bakery and fried foods.
  9. I will not eat meals while in front of the TV/Mobile.
  10. I will limit my daily screen time.
  11. I will exercise one-hour daily.
  12. I will get adequate hours of sleep at night.