Opening the Doors to Learning 2024

The inauguration of the First Year of Nursery was a memorable event filled with joy and anticipation. The ceremony began with our Principal lighting the lamp at the Lotus feet of Amma, symbolizing the start of a bright and auspicious journey. The Principal addressed the parents and gave some useful instructions to follow for the healthy upbringing of the tiny tots. Parents gathered around, sharing in the excitement and pride of this significant milestone. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and hope as the light from the lamp illuminated the room, marking the beginning of a new chapter for the young students.

Following the lamp lighting, the Principal led the way in cutting the ribbons for each classroom, officially opening the doors to learning and growth. Welcome badges were then distributed to the students by the Principal, making each child feel special and included. The badges served as a token of welcome and a reminder of the exciting journey ahead. The children, beaming with happiness, took in the decorated classrooms and prepared for the adventures of the first year in Nursery. The event concluded on a high note, with everyone looking forward to the promising days to come.