Amrita Vidyalayam Excels in SSC Exams 2023- 2024

Amrita Vidyalayam is thrilled to announce the outstanding results of our students in the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) exams. The school has achieved a 100% pass rate, showcasing the dedication and hard work of both students and teachers.

A special congratulations goes to Darshil Bhagwat, who achieved a perfect score of 100%. Darshil’s remarkable accomplishment is a testament to his exceptional effort and commitment to his studies.

The success does not stop there. 69 students scored 90% and above, demonstrating their strong grasp of the curriculum and their determination to excel. These high achievers have set a high standard for academic excellence.

Additionally, 155 students scored 80% and above, reflecting the overall strength and capability of the student body. Their achievements indicate a well-rounded and thorough understanding of their subjects.

This incredible success is the result of the supportive learning environment fostered by the school. Regular assessments, personalized attention, and a focus on both academic and personal growth have helped students reach their full potential.

The entire Amrita Vidyalayam community is celebrating this momentous achievement. The school’s commitment to excellence and holistic education has paid off, preparing students not only for exams, but for future success.

Amrita Vidyalayam is proud of its students and looks forward to continuing this tradition of academic excellence in the years to come.